If you and your spouse have decided to seek a divorce it is important to do your homework so that all assets from the marriage can be divided equitably between you both. Due diligence is important and if you have reviewed your spouse’s tax return with your attorney, then you may be able to see there are areas or entities to explore. Tax returns are good places to uncover hidden assets. When looking over tax returns with your attorney and try to review their deductions from previous years, watch for changes in year to year tax returns like major fluctuations or large increases and decreases. Look at the places where someone can hide expenses such as self-employment income or depreciation, this could indicate the ownership of other assets hidden in entities, business or otherwise. Any major changes or patterns will be helpful to the attorney representing you. In an asset search, we cannot search for tax returns, in an asset search nor can we search for safe deposit boxes. But We can search for real estate and any entities associated with a subject that may be holding assets to avoid having to list them on a probate and family court financial statement like in a divorce such as a trust, partnership or limited liability company (LLC). There also may be boats or cars that you might not be aware of especially if your spouse owns a business. If you think your spouse has purchased a boat to entertain for his or her business all an asset search company needs is their name or company name on boat, registration number, hull number or address. A motor vehicle search can be done as well by providing their name or business name and address for both your home and the business. Results can include lien holders, registration dates, insurance information, color of vehicle, etc. Your asset search company should be quick, easy,and affordable to use. Asset Search Plus, for example, can conduct a nationwide asset search for $185.00 per subject and $165 for businesses. the search reports are forwarded to you within one (1) to three (3) days. For more information on conducting an asset search, please call us at 1(800)290-1012 or visit our site at www.assetsearchesplus.com. You can also download our free eBook on conducting an asset search by clicking https://www.assetsearchesplus.com/download-our-free-ebook/