


Divorce Attorneys and Asset Searches

  If used properly and if conducted by a reputable asset search company, asset searches can be used as a valuable tool in divorce. Before you enter into discovery, or accept your adversary’s financial statement, shouldn’t you be certain that all assets are declared? What happens to an attorney who fails to inform the client […]


“CYA” or otherwise referred to as, cover your ass, is my recommendation to those of you who are employed in the personal injury, collections, divorce or corporate due diligence professions. For to satisfy ones due diligence is like buying fire insurance…in that you hope that you never need it but you’re dam glad you bought […]

Bank Account Searches are Not Permissible

When a couple is going through a divorce; or when executors or personal representatives are trying to determine the assets and liabilities of the deceased; or when an injured party and their attorney are seeking recovery or a judgment against someone as a result of damages caused by an accident; or before a company is to hire a key employee; conducting an asset search is critical. The scope of what a subject owns or owes is what is provided through a comprehensive asset search.

Comprehensive and Nationwide Asset Search Only $185.00

“Attorneys assisting attorneys and other business professionals in satisfying their due diligence in locating assets & liabilities.”

Bank Account Searches, are They Permissible or Not?

You should be very cautious when someone is offering to provide bank account search, especially if you are an attorney requesting the information on behalf of your client.

Asset Searches for Investors

  If used properly and if conducted by a reputable asset search company, asset searches can be used as a valuable pre-investment tool for an investor, partnership, joint venture or other business entity before they enter into a contract. Often is the case when an investor or attorney has a client that is about to […]

Whether to File or Settle: Conducting an Asset Search is Essential

As 2016 winds down, this is a good time to revisit those cases on your desk to see whether they can settle or suit has to be filed. Whether your case is a personal injury action or a collections matter, conducting an asset search will assist you in making your decision to file or settle. […]


Asset Search services are one of those areas that most people know little about until they need them. For years personal injury attorneys have conducted asset searches to satisfy their due diligence in determining the nature of a defendant or potential defendant’s assets and liabilities- who is at fault for a motor vehicle accident or […]

The Skinny on Bank Account Searches

Short Answer: As an attorney who has been conducting asset searches for other attorneys for over 20 years, I am repeatedly contacted or approached by lawyers and other professionals and asked whether it is permissible for a lawyer, individual, asset search company or private investigator to conduct bank, stock, bond or mutual fund account searches […]

Asset Searches and Collection of Child Support

If you are one of the many individuals in this country not receiving the child support that is due to you and you are struggling to make a decent living for yourself and your children as a result of this issue, conducting an asset search on the obligor or deadbeat parent is the first place […]
CONTACT INFORMATION Asset Searches Plus, Inc. 246 Revere Street Winthrop, MA 02152 (800) 290-1012   |   (617) 539-1010 (877) 539-0505   |   (617) 539-0505 info@assetsearchesplus.com

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