


Personal Injury Attorneys and Asset Searches

If used properly and if conducted by a reputable asset search company, asset searches can be used as a valuable tool in both pre and post litigation. Often is the case when a personal injury attorney has a client with severe injuries and an insurance policy with inadequate coverage. The question then becomes whether to […]

Why Personal Injury Attorneys Must Satisfy Their Due Diligence by Conducting an Asset Search.

For those of you who are employed in the personal injury profession, conducting a thorough asset search is critical in protecting yourself from a potential lawsuit from your own client someday.  Many times there may be insufficient insurance to make your client whole. Before you settle their claim, a quick asset search can satisfy your […]

When And Why Do You Need An Asset Search?

  Asset Search services are one of those areas that most people know little about until they need them. For years personal injury attorneys have conducted asset searches to satisfy their due diligence in determining the nature of a defendant or potential defendant’s assets and liabilities- who is at fault for a motor vehicle accident […]

Probating an Estate and uncovering assets

The individual (or bank or trust company) that is appointed to settle the estate of the testator under a will is called an executor or personal representative.  If there is no will, a person, usually a family member, will be appointed to deal with the decedent’s estate, and the appointed person is called an administrator.  […]

To Sue or Not to Sue?

It is not always easy to make a decision when it comes to filing a lawsuit against a debtor. Before one can choose whether or not to sue, they should know whether the debtor has sufficient assets to secure payment or if the debtor has existing liabilities, judgments, and liens. The simplest and most comprehensive […]

Asset Searches and Attorney Due Diligence

You are a personal injury lawyer. Your client has significant damages. The insurance policy is or may be insufficient to make your client whole. What are your obligations to your client?   The first and most important step is to determine whether the tortfeasor has any additional assets that your client can attach through some […]

Whether to File or Settle: Conducting an Asset Search is Essential

As 2016 winds down, this is a good time to revisit those cases on your desk to see whether they can settle or suit has to be filed. Whether your case is a personal injury action or a collections matter, conducting an asset search will assist you in making your decision to file or settle. […]

Asset Searches on a Deceased Person

  Many people still have the wrong impression that if a debtor dies, their debt dies with them.  Not quite true. Debt does not necessarily vanish when the debtor dies. The short answer is every creditor will get paid, in full, even when the debtor dies, so as long as the deceased person has enough […]
CONTACT INFORMATION Asset Searches Plus, Inc. 246 Revere Street Winthrop, MA 02152 (800) 290-1012   |   (617) 539-1010 (877) 539-0505   |   (617) 539-0505 info@assetsearchesplus.com

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