


What Can be Discovered Through an Asset Search in lieu of Bank Account Information?

Since the Financial Services Modernization Act was signed into law on November 12, 1999, it is no longer permissible to obtain bank account information from either banks or bank customers by the use of false pretense. We have been repeatedly asked the question: if I can’t get the bank account information, should I even bother to conduct an asset search?

Bank Account Searches

Lawyers and other professionals contact our office every day and ask whether it is permissible for an asset search company or private investigator to conduct bank, stock, bond or mutual fund account searches on a subject. The short answer is “no.” Not only is conducting a bank, stock, bond, or mutual fund search considered to […]

Whether to File or Settle: Conducting an Asset Search is Essential

As 2016 winds down, this is a good time to revisit those cases on your desk to see whether they can settle or suit has to be filed. Whether your case is a personal injury action or a collections matter, conducting an asset search will assist you in making your decision to file or settle. […]
CONTACT INFORMATION Asset Searches Plus, Inc. 246 Revere Street Winthrop, MA 02152 (800) 290-1012   |   (617) 539-1010 (877) 539-0505   |   (617) 539-0505 info@assetsearchesplus.com

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