


What You Need to Know About Asset Searches

Do you have questions about conducting an Asset Search? We have an ebook that covers every aspect of Asset Searches and what you need to do. Here is an overview of the key areas involved with some potential questions. Our Ebook can get you the answers you need and help you decide about conducting an […]

Why Asset Searches are Important in Personal Injury Cases

Have you suffered a personal injury that is no fault of your own? Did another party’s negligence cause you to suffer? You may be entitled to damages and have a valid personal injury claim. It is important to speak with an attorney who is experienced in Personal Injury Cases to approach the matter in the […]

Locating Hidden Assets During a Divorce

When a couple starts to divorce, one of the first things to go is trust. You may be aware of all the assets you have, but there could be assets that have been hidden during the marriage. Before you start to talk about Divorce, try to get a good handle on the assets that exist […]

Choosing the Right Asset Search Company

When looking to conduct an asset search, it is important to carefully choose a qualified asset search company to assist you. The internet has become second nature for the majority, making it easy for someone to create a website that could potentially scam you or provide invaluable information. Therefore, it is important to research the […]

Personal Injury Attorneys and Asset Searches

If used properly and if conducted by a reputable asset search company, asset searches can be used as a valuable tool in both pre and post litigation. Often is the case when a personal injury attorney has a client with severe injuries and an insurance policy with inadequate coverage. The question then becomes whether to […]

Why Personal Injury Attorneys Must Satisfy Their Due Diligence by Conducting an Asset Search.

For those of you who are employed in the personal injury profession, conducting a thorough asset search is critical in protecting yourself from a potential lawsuit from your own client someday.  Many times there may be insufficient insurance to make your client whole. Before you settle their claim, a quick asset search can satisfy your […]

Divorce Attorneys and Asset Searches

  If used properly and if conducted by a reputable asset search company, asset searches can be used as a valuable tool in divorce. Before you enter into discovery, or accept your adversary’s financial statement, shouldn’t you be certain that all assets are declared? What happens to an attorney who fails to inform the client […]

Choosing An Asset Search Company

  When looking to conduct an asset search, it is important to carefully choose a qualified asset search company to assist you. The internet has become second nature for the majority, making it easy for someone to create a website that could potentially scam you or provide invaluable information. Therefore, it is important to research […]

Judgments, Liens & Bankruptcy Searches

When choosing a new business partner or vendor for your company, shouldn’t you be fully aware of their financial health? Also, when proceeding with a lawsuit, isn’t it important to verify if the subject has sufficient assets or outstanding liabilities to decide whether it is even cost effective to proceed with an action? By conducting […]

Probating an Estate and uncovering assets

The individual (or bank or trust company) that is appointed to settle the estate of the testator under a will is called an executor or personal representative.  If there is no will, a person, usually a family member, will be appointed to deal with the decedent’s estate, and the appointed person is called an administrator.  […]
CONTACT INFORMATION Asset Searches Plus, Inc. 246 Revere Street Winthrop, MA 02152 (800) 290-1012   |   (617) 539-1010 (877) 539-0505   |   (617) 539-0505 info@assetsearchesplus.com

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