


Why Conducting an Asset Search is Critical in any Personal Injury Case.

There is never a perfect personal injury case. Sometimes you have clear liability and a serious and well documented injury, but limited or minimal insurance coverage. It’s like playing the slots in Vegas, you get two but not the three lemons needed win. If that is the case, every personal injury attorney has an obligation […]

How to Find a Reputable Asset Search Company

For most people, the internet has become the primary source for finding information when you are looking for something. When you type in “find an asset search company” on Google, you will see pages of results. You may feel overwhelmed and confused. You want to choose the most qualified and reliable asset search company available, […]


Asset Search services are one of those areas that most people know little about until they need them. For years personal injury attorneys have conducted asset searches to satisfy their due diligence in determining the nature of a defendant or potential defendant’s assets and liabilities- who is at fault for a motor vehicle accident or […]

Asset Searches on a Deceased Person

  Many people still have the wrong impression that if a debtor dies, their debt dies with them.  Not quite true. Debt does not necessarily vanish when the debtor dies. The short answer is every creditor will get paid, in full, even when the debtor dies, so as long as the deceased person has enough […]

Asset Searches and Collection of Child Support

If you are one of the many individuals in this country not receiving the child support that is due to you and you are struggling to make a decent living for yourself and your children as a result of this issue, conducting an asset search on the obligor or deadbeat parent is the first place […]
CONTACT INFORMATION Asset Searches Plus, Inc. 246 Revere Street Winthrop, MA 02152 (800) 290-1012   |   (617) 539-1010 (877) 539-0505   |   (617) 539-0505 info@assetsearchesplus.com

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