When you have a personal injury case with significant injuries and limited insurance coverage, conducting an asset search is critical.

Our mission is to assist attorneys and injured parties in locating assets and liabilities, both pre and post litigation. Often is the case when a personal injury attorney has a client with severe injuries and an insurance policy with inadequate coverage.
The question then becomes whether to settle a case for the policy limits or seek additional assets to attach to satisfy a judgment. What happens to the attorney who fails to inform the client that they could have conducted an asset search to uncover additional assets to make them whole? By providing the client with the choice and expenses associated with conducting a nationwide asset search, the attorney can satisfy their due diligence and important obligations to their client. In addition, where the subject may be concealing assets, such as through family trusts, partnerships or the like, a properly conducted asset search will provide a strategic road map for the attorney.
This nationwide road map identifies real estate and deed transfers, mortgage information, federal and state tax liens, uniform commercial code liens, motor vehicle and registration information, watercraft, aircraft, bankruptcies, judgments, businesses associates with subject, criminal records, relatives and professional licenses. Detailed and easy to read reports are then emailed to the attorney to share with their clients so that they can decide how to proceed with their case.
Remember, “if there is nothing to obtain, there is nothing to gain.”
Every personal injury case should start with an Asset Search. Order your search today by clicking on the search buttons to your right or simply contact us by phone
(800) 290-1012 or email at
info@assetsearchesplus.com. Our attorneys can help you determine what type of search is best suited for your case and interpret the results on your behalf if needed.