Can I Conduct a Search for a Missing Person?
Finding a missing person whether it is a former business associate, client, witness or family member is no easy task. It involves contacting the police, reaching out to friends and relatives, checking hospitals and registering on the missing persons databases, and going on social media.
It often is a very time sensitive for businesses and relatives. So any additional resource that can help their search is welcomed. In the past families would hire a private investigator to find missing personas, and oftentimes many still do that (if there is evidence that they have left of their own choice), but there is now an option of utilizing a missing person locate search which can aid you in trying to find the missing party.
Some of the most common subjects that missing person locate companies search for include:
Business associates
Past employees
Old clients
Friends…and more.
A missing person locate search is usually inexpensive. At Asset Searches Plus, Inc., for example, a nationwide missing person locate search costs $125.00 and the results, which usually include a name, address, and phone number, are provided 1-2 business days from the day your request is received.
At least some of the following information should be included on your search request, in order for a search to be conducted:
First and last name
Last known address or last known city and state
Date of birth (if available) or estimate of person’s age
Most companies, like Asset Searches Plus, Inc., will refund your fee in full if your subject cannot be located.
So, if you are looking for missing person, client or witness, click on the “Missing Persons” order button on the home page of . You can also email us at or call us at 1(800)290-1012.