


Why Personal Injury Attorneys Representing Clients in Car Accidents Should do an Asset Search

Your client has been in a car crash. She has serious back and neck injuries which may keep her out of work indefinitely. She has limited insurance coverage and is worried that she is going to run out of money to treat her injuries and keep up with her expenses. The driver was in the […]

How a Personal Representative for an Estate, or an Estate and Trust Attorney, Can Make Use of an Asset Search when Probating an Estate.

A Personal Representative’s or an Estate and Trust attorney’s responsibility is to guide the family through legal and tax matters that are necessary after the death of a loved one and gather all assets and determine outstanding liabilities. Beneficiaries may also be skeptical of the personal representative regarding what assets have been or should have […]

Asset Search on a Lost Spouse or one that owes Child Support

Has your spouse disappeared? If you are in the midst of a divorce and dealing with a partner that hid information from you or disappeared without a trace, an asset search may prove useful to you. Oftentimes spouses disappear when they owe a lot of child support. An asset search may be performed at any […]
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